Licking County Dog Shelter & Adoption Center

The Licking County Dog Shelter & Adoption Center has partnered with Pets for Patriots, Inc. Our Shelter offers dog adoptions to veterans through its partnership with Pets for Patriots and will help them find their new best friends.
Eligible veterans for this program include the following:
Active, Reserve, or separated members of the U.S. military at any stage and from any armed forces; Pets for Patriots serves veterans from WWII to those currently serving.
Adopting pet for himself/herself; veterans cannot adopt on behalf of another person and MUST be the legal owner/signatory for the adoption.
Approved by Pets for Patriots prior to pet adoption: all veterans MUST present their Pets for Patriots approval email/letter to shelter staff.
To get approved, veterans must apply to Pets for Patriots online or by phone, providing the requested, required proof of service. Visit specifics and to get started.
Once a veteran is approved and has their approval letter from Pets for Patriots, they can visit the Licking County Dog Adoption Center & Shelter to adopt an eligible dog which meets at least ONE of the following criteria:
Dog two years or older
Special needs dog (birth defect, disability or chronic medical condition), regardless of age
Dog homeless for 6 months or more
Large dog (40+ pounds at the time of the adoption), of any age
Veterans and current military members who are approved by Pets for Patriots will have adoption fees waived. The purchase of a current Licking County Dog License is required at the time of adoption.
Pets for Patriots also provides benefits and post-adoption follow-up.
The Licking County Dog Shelter & Adoption Center is proud to be partnering with Pets for Patriots and is excited to be helping them with their vision to end animal homelessness in the United States while giving our military veterans and their families the greatest “thank you” of all: the extraordinary love of a companion pet.