Licking County Dog Shelter & Adoption Center

Dog Wardens and Deputy Dog Wardens in Ohio are responsible for enforcing section 955 of the Ohio Revised Code. These laws are enforced Licking County Dog Warden’s Office. They are enforced by officers who understand dogs but also understand that dogs come with a responsibility to owners, keepers and harborers. It is the owner, keeper, or harborer’s responsibility to make sure that there is no violation of Ohio law while the dog is in their custody or care. Laws enforced by the Licking County Dog Warden’s Office include dog licensing, dogs running at large, dangerous dog laws, various other laws relating to dog ownership.
Dog Owner: Defined as any individual whom a dog belongs to or is registered under.
Dog Keeper: Individual who maintains control over the dog, even on a temporary basis. If you are walking someone’s dog on a leash you are the keeper of that dog.
Dog Harborer: Person who controls the place where the dog lives.
How to file a report
Dog Running Loose, Injured and Stray Dogs, Bites and Injuries Caused by Dogs
Contact us at 740-349-6563 to file a report
Stray dogs found by public can be dropped off at Dog Shelter during Business Hours
Bites and Injuries caused by Other Animals for bites to humans involving other animals (i.e. cats, raccoons, bats), or scratches that break the skin, please contact Licking County Health Department at 740-349-6535
Emergency Calls
After 4pm or on Holidays when the Licking County Dog Shelter & Adoption Center is closed please Contact Licking County Sheriff's Office at 740-670-5500 to reach the Deputy Dog Warden on call
Dog at Large
Statute: O.R.C 955.22 (C):
Except when a dog is lawfully engaged in hunting and accompanied by the owner, keeper, harborer, or handler of the dog, no owner, keeper, or harborer of any dog shall fail at any time to do either of the following:
(1) Keep the dog physically confined or restrained upon the premises of the owner, keeper, or harborer by a leash, tether, adequate fence, supervision, or secure enclosure to prevent escape;
(2) Keep the dog under the reasonable control of some person.
First Offense: Fine no less than $25.00 and no more than $75.00
Second Offense: Fine no less than $75.00 and no more than $250.00, also may be imprisoned for no more than 30 days
Third Offense: Third Offense involving same dog will be automatic dangerous dog designation. Fine no less than $75.00 and no more than $250.00, also may be imprisoned for no more than 30 days
Dangerous Dog/ Dog Bite Investigation
A Dog Bite report is filled out when a dog bites an individual and breaks the skin and draws blood. In this case, Deputies will investigate the dog bite incident and may issue a citation to the owner of the dog depending on the circumstances. If the dog is found to be a Dangerous Dog there is a list of requirements that must be followed to own such a dog.
It is the Dog Warden’s responsibility to investigate dog bite incidents and determine if provocation did or did not exist in the incident. If the Dog Warden determines that provocation for the bite did not exist, then a dangerous designation will be made.
Dangerous Dog Definition: “Dangerous dog” means a dog that, without provocation, has done any of the following:
Caused injury, other than killing or serious injury, to any person;
Killed another dog;
Been the subject of a third or subsequent violation of division (C) of section 955.22 of the Revised Code
Dangerous dogs does NOT include a police dog that has caused injury, other than killing or serious injury, to any person or has killed another dog while the police dog is being used to assist one or more law enforcement officers in the performance of their official duties.
Vicious Dog Definition: “Vicious dog” means a dog that, without provocation has killed or caused serious injury to any person.
Laws Pertaining to Dangerous Dogs Confinement: O.R.C 955.22 (D)
Except when a dangerous dog is lawfully engaged in hunting or training for the purpose of hunting and is accompanied by the owner, keeper, harborer, or handler of the dog, no owner, keeper, or harborer of a dangerous dog shall fail to do either of the following:
(1) While that dog is on the premises of the owner, keeper, or harborer, securely confine it at all times in a locked pen that has a top, locked fenced yard, or other locked enclosure that has a top;
(2) While that dog is off the premises of the owner, keeper, or harborer, keep that dog on a chain-link leash or tether that is not more than six feet in length and additionally do at least one of the following:
(a) Keep that dog in a locked pen that has a top, locked fenced yard, or other locked enclosure that has a top;
(b) Have the leash or tether controlled by a person who is of suitable age and discretion or securely attach, tie, or affix the leash or tether to the ground or a stationary object or fixture so that the dog is adequately restrained and station such a person in close enough proximity to that dog so as to prevent it from causing injury to any person;
(c) Muzzle that dog.
Dangerous Dog At Large Violation: Misdemeanor of the fourth degree on a first offense and a misdemeanor of the third degree on any subsequent offense.
Improperly Confining and Restraining a Dangerous Dog: Misdemeanor of the fourth degree on a first offense and a misdemeanor of the third degree on any subsequent offense
On both offenses the court may Additionally, order the offender to personally supervise the dangerous dog that the offender owns, keeps, or harbors, to cause that dog to complete dog obedience training, or to do both, and the court may order the offender to obtain liability insurance pursuant to division (E) of section 955.22 of the Revised Code. The court, in the alternative, may order the dangerous dog to be humanely destroyed by a licensed veterinarian, the county dog warden, or the county humane society at the owner’s expense.
Registration and Failure to Notify: O.R.C 955.22 (E)
E) No person who has been convicted of or pleaded guilty to three or more violations of division (C) of this section involving the same dog and no owner, keeper, or harborer of a dangerous dog shall fail to do the following:
(1) Obtain liability insurance with an insurer authorized to write liability insurance in this state providing coverage in each occurrence because of damage or bodily injury to or death of a person caused by the dangerous dog if so ordered by a court and provide proof of that liability insurance upon request to any law enforcement officer, county dog warden, or public health official charged with enforcing this section;
(2) Obtain a dangerous dog registration certificate from the county auditor pursuant to division (I) of this section, affix a tag that identifies the dog as a dangerous dog to the dog’s collar, and ensure that the dog wears the collar and tag at all times;
(3) Notify the local dog warden immediately if any of the following occurs:
(a) The dog is loose or unconfined.
(b) The dog bites a person, unless the dog is on the property of the owner of the dog, and the person who is bitten is unlawfully trespassing or committing a criminal act within the boundaries of that property.
(c) The dog attacks another animal while the dog is off the property of the owner of the dog.
(4) If the dog is sold, given to another person, or dies, notify the county auditor within ten days of the sale, transfer, or death.